Stuffed Nachos with Dips

Nachos are a Mexican dish that consists of tortilla chips or heated tortilla chips covered with melted cheese (or a cheese-based sauce), often served as a snack or appetizer. It can also be stuffed with raw veggies and baked in oven for a delicious taste. Veggies like coloured bell pepper,Onion,Tomatoes,Olives and Jalpenos can be topped.It …

Red Thai Curry Paste

Thai curry is a popular Thai dish consisting of curry paste cooked in coconut milk with meat or veggies added in it. Its’ main ingredient is curry paste as it has blend of spices. Depending on the type of Thai curry the paste will be different. i.e For Green curry is made with green ingredients …

3 Ingredient Oreo Cake

Who does not like Cake specially when its full of chocolate? But Baking can turn tiring if you do it from Scratch. In The lockdown when the entire world was stuck at home with nothing much to do, I am sure everyone must have tried different recipes to satisfy ones own taste buds. I also …

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