Stuffed Nachos with Dips

Yields: 1 Serving Difficulty: Easy Prep Time: 5 Mins Cook Time: Total Time: 5 Mins

Nachos are a Mexican dish that consists of tortilla chips or heated tortilla chips covered with melted cheese (or a cheese-based sauce), often served as a snack or appetizer. It can also be stuffed with raw veggies and baked in oven for a delicious taste. Veggies like coloured bell pepper,Onion,Tomatoes,Olives and Jalpenos can be topped.It looks delicious and Tastes as well!
It can be served with some dips which make them even more yummier.

We will have 3 recipes in this Post

1)Veggies Stuffed nachos

2) Avocado Dip

3)Sour Cream Dip

This can be made with just few ingredients Main being Sour cream, You can buy it from here

Veggies used here are Onion, Tomatoes, Bell Peppers

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